Organic 24 Carat Gold Cleansing Cream with Marigold & Wheatgerm Oil - Clears Oil & Impurities - Makes Skin Luminous ( 50 gms / 2oz)

Organic 24 Carat Gold Cleansing Cream with Marigold & Wheatgerm Oil - Clears Oil & Impurities - Makes Skin Luminous ( 50 gms / 2oz)

Organic 24 Carat Gold Cleansing Cream with Marigold & Wheatgerm Oil - Clears Oil & Impurities - Makes Skin Luminous ( 50 gms / 2oz)

Organic 24 Carat Gold Cleansing Cream with Marigold & Wheatgerm Oil

Clears Oil & Impurities - Makes Skin Luminous ( 50 gms / 2oz)
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SGD 16.17
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What is the significance of cleansing in maintaining healthy skin ?

Clean skin equals healthy skin. However, mere surface cleansing of the skin is not adequate. Even right after washing our face with soap, our skin remains dirty deep inside. Many of us suffer from enlarged pores, which get clogged due to excess oil production, pollution or even cosmetic residues. These tend to get infected, and result in skin problems like acne, blackheads etc. Adding to this, sun also damages the skin and leads to tanning/sun burn, darkening and pigmentation etc. Thus, necessary adequate cleansing is where the skin is cleaned in-depth. But, it is all the same important to ensure that the skin remains well moisturized too; to keep it not just clean but soft and supple too.

How does Gold better skin’s complexion ?

The topical application of gold actually renders a “golden” glow to the skin. It is known for its anti-aging capability and anti-inflammatory properties. It has shown a marked increase in cellular rejuvenation; i.e. it stimulates the regeneration of healthy cells. For one, this property helps in faster healing of skin conditions, including fungal infections, wounds, skin burns, rashes and eczema, among others. Secondly, it helps delay the signs of aging. It aids in the production of collagen, as well as reduces the breakdown of elastin. This prevents the skin from sagging, as well as appearance of wrinkles. Gold is also known to slow down the secretion of melanin; the darkening pigment in our skin. Thus it helps in prevention of skin discoloration. Another unique activity of gold is that of pulling toxins from the skin; giving it a clean and healthy radiance.

What is Lemon Peel Extract, and how does it help in cleansing the skin ?

The extract from skin of the fruit lemon (a.k.a. Citrus limon) or lemon peel extract, is also acidic in nature, quite like the fruit itself. Its acidity makes it useful as an astringent or toner, and also as an anti microbial. Additionally, it has a bleaching action too; lightening dark spots caused by sun damage, aging or acne. As a toner, it controls skin’s oiliness and restores the natural pH balance. It also soothes mild skin rashes or redness; and removes impurities and dead cells. It is also known to stimulate new cell growth, fight acne and enhance elasticity of the skin.

How are Vitamins C and E beneficial for skin cleansing ?

Vitamin C and E both help in the reduction/lightening of acne scars, dark spots and other blemishes. They also cleanse the skin off impurities; while Vitamin C removes the dead cells, as well as unclogs and shrinks the pores also. However, their main benefit is due to their anti-oxidant nature. Both vitamins reduce the appearance of wrinkles; keep the skin from sagging and further wrinkling; and even maintain its elasticity. This they do by promoting healing of tissues, by stimulating regeneration of new cells, for one. Secondly, they minimize the sun-caused damage; and protect from further such damage as well. Thirdly, they help in the production of a necessary skin protein, or collagen. And lastly, they neutralize free radicals in our body; which are harmful and cause the skin to age.

What is Marigold Oil and what is its advantage when used for cleansing the skin ?

Pot marigold, or Calendula officinalis, is the source of marigold oil. The presence of tannins renders the oil astringent like properties. This combined with anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties, makes the oils beneficial for ridding the face of impurities. This even helps fight minor skin problems, including acne. Marigold oil is also a natural moisturizer for dry and/or chapped skin. This non-toxic oil’s anti-inflammatory action, accredited to the presence of triterpenes, further soothes any irritated area of the skin. And its antioxidant content, of polyphenols and carotenes, helps delay premature aging; stimulates wound healing; and prevents formation of scars.

What is Wheat-germ oil and how does it help in cleansing the skin ?

Wheat-germ oil is extracted from the embryo (germ) in the seed of wheat kernel. It is a rich source of Vitamin E, which is a powerful anti-oxidant; i.e. it helps delay signs of aging, including wrinkles. Along with essential fatty acids, protein, lecithin and Vitamin A too, wheat-germ oil can keep the skin hydrated and glowing. It helps improve the blood circulation, which is important for overall health of the skin. Wheat-germ oil is also known to have anti-inflammatory activity, and thus soothes rashes and burns. Loaded with anti-oxidants, it improves cellular turnover rate, which helps repair UV-rays induced damaged, scar tissue and burns too."


Apply A Generous Layer On The Face And Neck. Massage Gently In Circular Motions For 5-7 Minutes. Rinse Thoroughly Or Remove With Moist Cotton.

Pure gold leaves & precious herbal oils & extracts penetrate deep down to cleanse away all dirt & impurities from the skin surface, while maintaining the moisture balance of the skin.

Ingredients : Steam Distilled Lemon Peel Extract (Citrus Limon Peel Extract), Coconut Oil Derivatives (Cocos Nucifera Oil), Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate), Vitamin C, 24 Carat Gold Leaves Powder, Pure Marigold Oil (Tagetes Erecta Flower Oil), Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum Vulgare Germ Oil), Organic Honey (Mel Extract), DM Water (Aqua)